Pooch Profiles
I am Arlo and I am one of the happiest pups in the world! I love everyone, everything and am always up for fun and larks with my Woofus family. When I wag my tail I wiggle my whole body because I am sooooooo happy! I enjoy travelling in the Woofus Wagon because I know that at the end of the trip there will be LOTS of fun and play with my friends.

Hello folks! My name is Alf and I am Fizz's little brother. I love my Woofus walks and I often wait for Auntie Jemma on the top step! I am a friendly boy and I am very well behaved, but my big sister can be a bit of a tinker! When I am on the lead I like to walk on the left side and Auntie Jemma always caters to my preference. She says that me and my sister are her "Black Beauties" and when I run on the beach she often sings the theme tune from the "Black Beauty" T.V. programme!

My name is Barney but my Mummy often calls me Barnabus and Auntie Jemma calls me Barneveld...but whatever my name is, I always come running because I LOVE cuddles and kisses! I love all of the other dogs in my Woofus family but if I think the pup 'n' tumble play needs a time-out then I let them know its break time!
I really enjoy staying with Auntie Jemma and Uncle Neil at Woofus HQ and I even have my own pair of slippers there! I don't chew them, I just like to take them to bed with me at night time and snuggle with them!

I first met my Auntie Jemma and Uncle Neil when I was a teeny tiny puppy. I went to visit them at Woofus HQ so Mummy could arrange for me to join the Woofus family and go on exciting walks every week! When I visited Woofus HQ I met another lovely dog called Charlie as she was on her holidays at Woofus HQ and now she is one of my best friends! I am a very happy and confident girl because I became part of Woofus when I was young, so I have grown up with all my pawsome friends and I love them all!

My name is Bubble and I love going for walks with Auntie Jemma. I love playing with my Woofus family friends and always have lots of fun! I am a very good girl and I know that I am a very precious pup, because Auntie Jemma tells me so all the time!

Hiya! My name is Buddy and I love everyone and everything! I especially love being chased, because none of my Woofus family can catch me (apart from Jess…she is supersonic fast!). I am also very snuggly and adore being kissed and cuddled.

I am Carter and am a typical Spaniel! I LOVE sniffing, shnuffling and following my nose when it picks up interesting scents. I am a very good boy (Auntie Jemma told me, so it must be true) and am always EXTREMELY excited when it’s time for my Woofus walk!

I am Charlie and I am a playful and fun loving pupster! I adore playing with my Woofus family and am always very excited to see Auntie Jemma and Uncle Neil. I sometimes find recall a bit tricky, because my ears forget to tune-in when I'm busy having fun playing pup'n'tumble with my pals...but I am trying very hard to getter better! I have lots of friends and am happy to play with dogs of all sizes, but I am very polite and don't play with other dogs unless they want to play too.

I am called Coco and I am Auntie Jemma’s ‘Dinky Diva’. I love chasing my ball and I am a VERY fast runner! I am also very good at receiving kisses and cuddles, and have perfected snuggling to a fine art!

My name is Daisy and I am Auntie Jemma’s ‘Golden Girl’! I love swimming in the sea and digging holes in the sand. I am very loving and get along well with all of my Woofus family. I am a very friendly girl, and so long as I’m with the people I love, then my world is complete!

Hi folks! My name is Daphne and I am one of the Woofus family’s pawfect pups! I love going on my holidays to Woofus HQ and lying across the back of the sofa. When I go on Woofus walks I enjoy playing pup ‘n’ tumble with all my friends and I adore splashing in the paddling pool! I also love chasing leaves…Autumn is pawsome!

My Mummy is a huge Dolly Parton fan, so that's why my name is Dolly! Auntie Jemma often sings Miss Parton's greatest hits to me when we're on walks or she'll ask me if I'm working 9-5. I am a petite pup but have a HUGE personality! I love playing with my Woofus family and I feel comfortable with all of the dogs because I was introduced to them when I was a puppy. I love travelling in the Woofus Wagon as I enjoy saying hello when each of my pals hops on board! And on the journey home we all fall asleep as we're so tired after all the fun we've had together!

Greetings everyone! I am Ella and I am a YorkiePoo. I may be small, but I am mighty...I am very protective of my home and my Mummy! I LOVE chasing balls but when I'm Woofus-ing I usually just play with the other dogs because they're my friends and we have such good fun together at the safe and secure field. I also like to say hello to dogs in the next door field...especially if they are playing with squeaky balls! Auntie Jemma and Uncle Neil have a big box FULL of balls which they keep in the stable at the field and sometimes I stand in front of it and bark to give them a hint!
They also have a box full of fluffy towels in the stable, so when I'm wet I get lots of lovely snuggles, wrapped up in cosy towels...Auntie Jemma says I'm as snug as a bug in a rug...I have no idea what she's talking about but it seems to be a good thing on a cold day! Sometimes I can be unsure of big dogs, but I love all of the larger dogs in my Woofus family because we all know and respect each other, and get along just fine...I particularly love Hamish because he's like a giant Teddy Bear!

My name is Ernie and I am one of the ‘Golden Boys’. I am particularly adept at digging holes in the sand…they really are quite impressive! Other hobbies include moving stones from one part of the beach to another and jumping in the Autumn leaves!

Hi Woofus watchers! My name is Fizz and I go on Woofus walks with my little brother Alf. I am a mature lady and so I like to take my time, shnuffle, sniff and mooch. I also like to lie on the decking at the beach and watch the world go by. But don't be fooled...if I think there is a hint of food somewhere, then I spring into action at lightning speed! I get along very well with all of my Woofus family and I love to stand on the top step and wait for Auntie Jemma.

Hello, my name is Fred and I am a long term Woofus family member. I am very good at giving welcoming kisses to Auntie Jemma when she arrives and I am always excited to get into the Woofus Wagon! There’s nothing I like to do more on walks than to carry the ball in my mouth, making sure it’s well looked after.

Bonjour! Je m'appelle Frida!
Me and my big brother are Petit Basset Griffon Vendeens, which is a French hound originally from the Vendeen region of France. I am a VERY happy hound! I LOVE meeting other dogs and I really enjoy playing with all my Woofus family on our walks. I am full of energy and can zoomie very fast! I am always very keen to jump into the Woofus Wagon and can't wait to get out at the safe and secure field Aunty Jemma and Uncle Neil take us to.
I like to lie in the window and watch the world go by, but when I see the Woofus Wagon pull up outside of our home, I jump up and wiggle my whole body...not just my tail! Then I wake up my brother Remi and tell him that it's time to go Woofus-ing...that's when things get really exciting...lots of wagging, wiggling, jumping and barking!!!
I love the secure field we play in, because I can be a bit of a tinker and follow my nose if there's an interesting scent. But in the field I am always secure so can run, zoomy and play safely without being on the lead...c'est magnifique!

Hiya! I’m Jess and I am the fastest member of the Woofus family! Even Buddy can’t catch me! I love chasing balls but I also love playing chase with my pals…especially Buddy! I am one of the inaugural Woofus family pups and Auntie Jemma often calls me her ‘Sweet-pea’.

I am called Leo and I have been part of the Woofus family since I was a teeny tiny puppy! I love chasing anything that moves…balls, birds, anything! I am a very good boy and am full of love and affection. I get along with all my Woofus family and always have a fun time!

Ho there my good people! My name is Leonard and I have been Woofus-ing since I was a young pup. I get along with all of my Woofus family, but I particularly enjoy going on walks with the big boys and girls! I love running, chasing and playing with my pals…then I swiftly and promptly adopt the ‘power-down’ position, whereby I suddenly appear to be lazing on a chaise longue whilst nursing a G&T. It’s just one of my many talents!

My name is Louis and I full of fun and larks! I love life and am always happy, bouncy and playful.
I am loving, affectionate and enjoy sofa snuggles and tummy tickles. I enjoy meeting dogs and making new friends, but my very best friend is Leonard...we enjoy playing pup 'n' tumble and wrestling together!
I get along with every dog I meet but am very respectful and well mannered if they wish to be alone. I love my Woofus walks as I get to travel in the Woofus Wagon with my pals, which is especially lovely on the way home as we snuggle up and fall fast asleep after all of our fun on the secure field!

I am called Peggy and I am one of the inaugural members of the Woofus family! I first joined Woofus when I was a wee little puppy! Auntie Jemma calls me an ‘Uber dog’…I think that means that I am a very, very, very good girl! I enjoy my Woofus walks and get along with all the other pups!

Hi! I am Poppy and I am one half of “The Pugettes”! I go on Woofus walks with my little sister, Peaches. I am always a very good girl and get along with all of my Woofus family. Sometimes my little sister teases me…but that’s the job of a younger sibling! My specialist subject is shnuffling!

Hello! My name is Peaches and I am the boisterous little sister of Poppy! Together, we form “The Pugettes.” I am always excited to go on Woofus walks and love playing with all my friends. I enjoy both chasing and being chased…I’m not bothered so long as I’m having fun and larks! I specialise in twirling and swirling with excitement.

Bonjour! Je m'appelle Remi! I am a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, which is a French hound originally from the Vendeen region of France...but I'm definitely a Geordie lad! I love my food, love being fussed, love looking out the window and...did I mention I love my food?! My little sister is called Frida and we enjoy playing pup 'n' tumble together. I am a very good boy...I know this because Aunty Jemma and Uncle Neil told me, so it must be true.
I love Woofus walks because they are always in the safe and secure field. That means I can be allowed off lead without worrying the hoomans...remember that I'm a hound, so if I get a scent, I like to follow it, wherever my nose takes me! But I'm always safe with my Woofus family.
Woofus c'est tres bon!

I am Rosie and I joined the Woofus family as a teeny, tiny puppy! I am a sweet natured and very well-behaved girl. I love playing with the older dogs, I love playing pup ‘n’ tumble with the puppies…I just love life! I am polite and well-mannered with other dogs and Auntie Jemma reliably informs me that I am “a very good girl!”

Hey folks! My name is Roxy, but you may call me Foxy-Roxy! I am a tenacious terrier but am also a tender soul. I loved my Woofus walks and would always wait eagerly for Auntie Jemma or Uncle Neil to arrive! Despite my youthful looks, I am now a very mature lady and, thus, have retired from Woofus walks. However, when Auntie Jemma or Uncle Neil are free they take me out in my stroller! It's lovely to see them and to catch up on all the Woofus news!
I maybe retired, but I will always be part of the Woofus family!

My name is Rudy but Auntie Jemma also calls me Roody Doody or Roodles. Sometimes she sings “Rudy Rudy Rudy Rudy Ruuudddyyyyy, ooooooOOOOOOooooohhhhh” and it makes me feel very special! I am a very good boy and bring joy wherever I go. I love playing with all my Woofus family and all the other pups enjoy playing with me!

I am called Rupert but Auntie Jemma usually calls me Rupert Bear! I am a big, bouncy and playful boy. I love playing with my Woofus family, large or small. I don’t really understand how big I am, so I’m just a big friendly, playful doofus! I love to throw myself against Auntie Jemma’s legs and roll around on the ground playfully. I love sticks, I love water, I love people, I love other dogs…I LOVE life!

My name is Sally but Auntie Jemma also calls me “Long Tall Sally”. She often sings “Long Tall Sally” to me and I get very excited because it makes me feel very special as it’s ‘our song’. I am a very playful pup and I am happy to play with dogs of all shapes and sizes…which is just as well because EVERYONE loves me!

Hi! I am called Sandy and I was named after “Sandra-Dee” in the film “Grease”. I have been going on Woofus walks since I was a wee puppy and I LOVE all of our Woofus family! I always have lots of fun playing with the other dogs. My little sister, Tilly, has also joined the Woofus family...I don't mind her joining in the fun but I'm not too keen when she nibbles on my beard and ears! I love playing pup 'n' tumble with my friends and when I get the zoomies I am VERY fast!

Hello everyone! My name is Stella and I am always extremely happy, loving and friendly! I love life and always enjoy going on Woofus walks with Auntie Jemma. I enjoy playing with the other dogs in our Woofus Family and get very excited! I love playing chase and always try my best to run very fast!

I am Suki and Auntie Jemma often calls me her little “Suzuki” because I’m fast and always on the go…vroom vroom! I am a bundle of fun and energy and zoom into everything with enthusiasm and happiness. I adore Woofus walks because I enjoy seeing all of my friends, playing pup ‘n’ tumble, plodging in the paddling pools and snaffling balls!

Hey! My name is Teddy and I always have a pawsome time when I go on walks with my Woofus family. I adore making new friends and am very good at playing pup ‘n’ tumble! I love life and every day is a new adventure. I’m a super friendly little guy and will always make you smile at my madcap antics!

I am Tilly and I have a big sister called Sandy. I love trying to nibble on her beard, but I'm not really allowed to do it! I am a very happy girl but if I don't like something, then I will squeak to let the hoomans know! I love getting my tummy tickled and chasing after my big sister...when I grow up I want to be just like her! I have made lots of new friends in my Woofus family and now I play with them too, not just my sister. I always run to the front door when Auntie Jemma and Uncle Neil come to take us out and I always have a good sleep when they bring me home!

Greetings folks! I am Walter and I am sure you will agree that I am a very striking looking gentleman! When I am on a Woofus walk people always approach me and ask what kind of dog I am. I attract a lot of attention…but I remain humble and just trot on with my walk! I love plodging in the sea and striking poses on the beach. But don’t be fooled by my debonair appearance…I love playing and will often break into a jaunty run!

My name is Willow and Auntie Jemma calls me her ‘Beagle-Bum’! I am always very excited at the beginning of each Woofus walk and I let everyone know that I have arrived by running around and doing the call of the Beagle… “Arooooooooooo!” I love playing with my Woofus family and I am very good at chasing my pals! I am also a cheeky tinker, thus I enjoy snaffling balls and sticks from my chums, in order to encourage them to chase me!